You can also find it on the GTN like always, for around 60 million depending on what server you call home. How to acquire: Though this set isn’t currently on the CM, keep an eye out for flash sales. This set also features some of the only fingerless gloves available in the game.For many players, this set has replaced Mira’s Armor Set in their affections.Complete with a rugged bandana scarf and a snakeskin pattern, this set is a statement.

Perfect for any smuggler or flirtatious hunter, this semi-revealing set shows off without going too far. You can also find it on the GTN for around 40 million in-game credits. How to acquire: The Festival Dress can be purchased from the Cartel Market for 1,400 Cartel Coins.

Depending on your server, the price will vary anywhere from 900k to around 6 million in-game credits. How to acquire: This set is currently not available on the Cartel Market, but can be found on the Galactic Trade Network, where players sell items to other players. Many players love to wear it with a Black-Black dye equipped, as it makes the set become very slimming